samedi 16 juillet 2016

Il lui manque 90% de son cerveau mais il se porte très bien

Incroyable et pourtant bien vrai ! Alors qu'un Fran?ais de 44 ans s'est rendu à l'h?pital pour une petite douleur à la jambe gauche, les médecins ont fait une découverte plut?t surprenante. L'IRM a dévoilé que le crane de l'homme est rempli… de liquide. Autrement dit, sa bo?te cranienne est pratiquement vide. Air Rift Troublant car l'homme vit de fa?on tout à fait normale. Marié, deux enfants, un emploi dans l'administration et il n'a aucun antécédent de trouble neurologique. Son Q.I, de 75, est certes inférieur à la moyenne mais il n'est pas considéré comme handicapé mental pour autant. Il lui manque 90% de son cerveau mais il se porte très bienLANCETPhoto: Comment a-t-il pu en arriver là ? Petit gar?on, l'homme souffrait d'une accumulation de liquide céphalorachidien dans le cerveau. Une maladie appelée hydrocéphalie. Pour le soigner, les médecins lui ont implanté un petit tube pour évacuer le liquide vers d'autres parties du corps et qui lui a été retiré à ses 14 ans. Mais le liquide s'est à nouveau accumulé dans les années qui ont suivi. Un petit cerveau mais une conscience Tn Requin 2016 Cette histoire, qui a fait l'objet d'une étude scientifique publiée dans la revue The Lancet en 2007 est remise à l'ordre du jour par le psychologue Axel Cleeremans de l'université de Bruxelles. Selon lui, ce cas très particulier remet en question les théories fondamentales basées sur la pleine conscience. "Aucune théorie n'explique comment une personne, dont 90% des neurones sont absentes, peut avoir un comportement tout à fait normal", regrette le Pr Cleeremans sur le site Quartz. A LIRE AUSSI >> La méditation de pleine conscience aussi efficace que les antidépresseurs En effet, toutes les zones du cerveau qui contr?lent la sensibilité, la parole ou l'audition ont été réduites. Cependant, l'homme n'a pas été affecté dans son quotidien. La nouvelle théorie du professeur,Nike Tn présentée lors d'une conférence à Buenos Aires, est donc que si le cerveau n'est pas endommagé brutalement mais petit à petit, l'organe reste capable de s'adapter. En clair, l'homme conna?t une information mais a aussi conscience de conna?tre cette information. Mieux comprendre ce mécanisme de pleine conscience, c'est en fait mieux appréhender le fonctionnement du cerveau lui-même.


jeudi 14 juillet 2016

La pastèque, sans modération Les conseils du docteur CymEs

? Les mauvaises langues prétendent qu'avec la pastèque, l'avantage, c'est qu'on se lave les mains tout en mangeant ! Blague à part, ce fruit des plus juteux est non seulement désaltérant, mais en plus truffé de lycopène, un antioxydant de la famille des caroténo?des (ce terme savant désigne le pigment orange qui donne sa couleur à la carotte) ?, explique Michel Cymes. ? En découle tout un tas d'avantages : la pastèque aurait le chic de nous éloigner du cancer, agirait contre le cholestérol et préviendrait les inflammations ?,Nike Tn poursuit-il. Au-delà de ces bienfaits, le docteur insiste sur l'importance du timing dans la consommation de la pastèque. ? Il y a ce qu'on pourrait appeler une éthique de la pastèque ?, analyse-t-il. ? Elle demande, comment dire ? un sens du timing et une prédisposition pour l'accompagnement !Tn Requin Primo, à partir du moment où vous plantez votre lame de couteau dans la pastèque, vous devez la consommer dans les quatre jours. Sinon, la teneur en lycopène diminue. Et ce serait dommage de vous priver de cet antioxydant. Secondo, il est prouvé que tout ce que la pastèque a de bon est mieux absorbé par votre organisme si,Tn Pas Cher simultanément, vous consommez un peu de lipides. Aussi, vous avez tout intérêt à accompagner votre pastèque de quelques noix ou d'un morceau de fromage. Sur le papier, ?a n'est peut-être pas évident, mais sachez que, sur le plan biologique, je le recommande. ?


"Nymphomaniac" : la justice annule le visa d'exploitation du premier volet

Cette décision de la cour administrative d'appel de Paris, rendue publique mardi, a été prise à la suite d'une action engagée par deux associations dont Promouvoir,Tn Requin proche des catholiques traditionnalistes. Cette annulation signifie que la ministre de la Culture devra réexaminer l'interdiction et accorder un nouveau visa, autorisation administrative nécessaire à toute exploitation dans les salles. Dans le sulfureux "Nymphomaniac", diptyque sorti en janvier 2014 en France dans sa version courte, le cinéaste danois controversé Lars von Trier retrace le parcours érotique d'une femme, de son enfance jusqu'à ses 50 ans, raconté par le personnage principal Joe, nymphomane autoproclamée. Chaque volet dure deux heures, alors que le projet du cinéaste portait sur 5h30. La version longue "non censurée" du volume 1, plus longue de 30 minutes, présentée pour la première fois à la Berlinale en février 2014, contient encore plus d'images de sexes en gros plan. La jurisprudence "Love" Air Rift La cour a estimé que le film "comporte des scènes à caractère sexuel, filmées en gros plan, de manière parfaitement réaliste et appuyée,Air Huarache 2016 sans aucune dissimulation des organes génitaux des personnages". De ce fait, elle indique avoir pris cette décision "en application de la réglementation actuellement en vigueur et de la jurisprudence du Conseil d'état dégagée en 2015 à l'occasion de l'examen du visa attribué au film +Love+". L'association Promouvoir avait réussi l'an dernier à faire interdire aux moins de 18 ans (au lieu de 16 ans avant) "Love" de Gaspar Noé en raison de scènes de sexe non simulées, interdiction confirmée par le Conseil d'état. Depuis, Promouvoir a également obtenu que l'interdiction aux moins de 12 ans de "La Vie d'Adèle" d'Abdellatif Kechiche soit réexaminée et que le visa d'exploitation d'un autre film de Lars Von Trier, "Antichrist", soit annulé. En 2014, elle était déjà parvenue à ce que soit relevé l'age légal pour la version courte de "Nymphomaniac"


dimanche 10 juillet 2016

Reign coach calls Flash field a ‘farce’

Seattle Reign FC players (along with their peers in the league) have had their say. Now head coach/general manager Laura Harvey has presented her comments about the modified field at Frontier Field in Rochester, New York today. Reign FC played Western New York Flash to a 3-2 loss. This is a follow up to her initial post-match comments made to Jeff DiVeronica's Democrat & Chronicle, where she criticized the officiating crew for reversing their decision and awarding Western New York Flash a goal where goalkeeper Haley Kopmeyer injured her ankle. Regarding the treatment of Kopmeyer's injury, Harvey said post-match that Western New York Flash refused to take Kopmeyer to the hospital as part of her criticism (calling it a "disgrace") of how long it took for medical assistance to tend to Kopmeyer. Let's go back and break down Harvey's expanded statement in the tweet above. May 31st: Team is notified by Western New York Flash of intention to play at Frontier Field with dimensions of 110 x 61 with no detailed information about other field aspects being modified. Just that they would be playing on a "very nice grass field." It's certainly fair to think whatever questions the Reign had about the venue change and the state of the field were asked and answered by Western New York with full faith over the course of days between May 31st and when the team traveled to Rochester on Thursday. Today @ 1:30 PM: Team finds out field dimensions are actually 100 x 58 (which was confirmed by the Western New York Flash broadcast crew) and that (league) officials would rule the field unsuitable unless certain improvements were made. Today @ 5 PM: The field is determined suitable to play despite Harvey's claims that whatever changes were requested were not honored. And it's at that point that we're left to ask questions knowing what we know now and how the match played out. Tn Pas Cher 2016 What were the changes that NWSL officials said needed to happen in order to make the field suitable for play? If Harvey is correct in that they weren't changed, what made NWSL officials change their mind and say the field was okay to play on? Was there any point between 1:30 to 5 PM per Harvey's timeline of events where Reign could have played the match under protest, if not outright refused to play because of the unsuitable field? And if so, what are the ramifications for a team that refuses to play a NWSL match? During the match and as we were all watching in awe at how narrow the field was, Jeff Kassouf tweeted that multiple venues were considered for tonight's match. If that was the case, what were those locations and what about them made it unfeasible to hold the match since Rhino's Stadium was hosting a 90s Throwback concert night? Was there even a possibility of rescheduling the match so it could have been played at Rhino's Stadium? Another major question to ask after reading Harvey's comments is if Western New York Flash refused to take Kopmeyer to the hospital for further evaluation of her injury - how is that even possible? Another question in the neighborhood of that is how/why did it take so long for medical assistance beyond the team's physio to tend to Kopmeyer? What if her or any other player had suffered a more catastrophic injury or the ultimate scary scenario, cardiac arrest like what happened to Bolton's Fabrice Muamba in 2012? Obviously you don't want to think of something scarier happening at any sporting event, but Harvey's comments immediately after the match ought to make you think about Western New York Flash's and the rest of the league's procedures in the event of a major medical emergency. What started out as a day of celebrating a milestone with Hope Solo achieving 150 international wins and 100 clean sheets, ended in the NWSL getting mainstream attention for all the wrong reasons. The comments made by Harvey and Reign FC players are echoed by their peers in the league and in the past Harvey has been fined by the league whenever she's made criticisms of match officials. However this is bigger than just the ref having a bad night in the office. This is calling out the league and questioning its legitimacy. Over the course of one match, the reputation of the NWSL got roasted and the furor over this isn't subduing anytime soon. July 9,Nike Tn 2016 could very well be a turning point in which the NWSL finally gets the message from fans,Nike Requin media and most importantly their own labor force that for all the growing pains there are in its infancy, it's time to grow up.


NWSL Embarrasses Itself On Joke of a Field, Reign Lose

NWSL, like any professional soccer league, has minimum standards for the surfaces on which its games are played. Those standards aren't arbitrary. They exist to protect the health of the players and to protect the integrity of a game that breaks down if players aren't allowed the space to play the sport as they're trained to do through their entire professional careers. The NWSL's standards include a minimum field width of 70 yards. This is the field the Western New York Flash hosted the Seattle Reign on today: Situated entirely within the outfield of a baseball stadium,Air Max 90 it reportedly was 58 yards wide. It's easy to see it was not even that wide. That would allow a ridiculous 7 yards of space between each sideline and the 18-yard box and they clearly didn't even have that. It was smaller than most (maybe all) rec games you will play in Seattle. It was smaller than a high school game, and was smaller than any number of facilities that had to be available in upstate New York. And yet, unfathomably, the league and commissioner Jeff Plush allowed this match in violation of their own standards. A league facing the existential challenge of earning legitimacy in a sporting landscape in which both the sport and the gender of the players who play it are in a constant struggle for respect was willing to flush those gains down a toilet as images from the match went viral across sports media. Nike Ninja The match itself was, predictably, trash. There were no passing sequences because there was no room to pass. The team that relies heavily on assists from long-throw taker Jess McDonald scored two goals off of those 'long throws' that traveled to and beyond the penalty spot on the postage stamp of a field. Haley Kopmeyer injured her ankle, quite seriously based on first impressions. Replacement Andi Tostanoski took a very ill-advised rush out late to get beat for a New York third. Naho scored a goal. Utsugi made her debut as a sub and scored in injury time. Those are some soccerish things that happened. But to even talk about this match as a match is to lend it legitimacy it didn't deserve. The old saw is that you dress for the job you want, not the job you have. And by the same principle you conduct yourself for the respect you deserve, not the respect you get. These women deserve respect for giving up their time and their bodies and the opportunity to actually earn a living wage for the sport they love and for the supporters that love the teams they represent. Tn Pas Cher And today the Western New York Flash and the NWSL did not treat their players with respect. They should be ashamed.